Defective Yeti invents a new game: type each letter into your browser's address bar and note the first URL that shows up in the auto-complete list.
Here are my URL ABCs:
Here are my URL ABCs:
- A is for a23.com/babesinspace/contents.html - Women in space suits. Found on BoingBoing
- B is for balloon-juice.com/archives/005031.html - A righty blogger who's mad about the rise of religious wingnuttery
- C is for cafepress.com/salonstore.17508017 - A print that I have on a t-shirt
- D is for dailybeacon.utk.edu/showarticle.php?articleid=17019 - A student column lamenting the Iraq war
- E is for electablog.com/oharm.html - A photocollage of Bush and Prince Abdullah sharing tender moments
- F is for www.factbites.com/topics/Late-1980s-recession - An article on the late 80's recession. Cause someone was trying to assert that Republicans only fix recessions. Turns out they also cause recessions of their own (and don't fix them).
- G is for gaconstitutionparty.org/s.nl/sc.12/category.4/it.I/id.43/.f - A Constitution Party interview with Roy "10 Commandments" Moore.
- H is for haloscan.com/comments/digby/111456552158521770 - Haloscan comments.
- I is for images.google.com/images?hl=en&lr=&c2coff=1&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2003-47,GGLD:en&q=carolina+wildflower - A Google image search for Carolina wildflowers
- J is for jameswolcott.com - Is for James Wolcott's hillarious blog
- K is for k2.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/members/alvaro/Khronos/Video_Demos_shorts/DEMO_KHRONOS_COMP.wmv - A demo of the Khronos video system - warp videos through time, interactively.
- L is for laudatortemporisacti.blogspot.com/2005/01/physician-heal-thyself.html - Someone discussing the phrase "Physician, heal thyself"
- M is for madsci.org/posts/archives/nov2000/974207625.Ch.q.html - A discussion about cyanide in almonds.
- N is for nasa.lunarpages.com/~cleek02/images/ - Is to the main folder where I store my images.
- O is for obsidianwings.blogs.com - Obsidian Wings. A political blog.
- P is for pandagon.net - Another political blog.
- Q is for quicksilverweb.net/sbucks/sbcharts.htm - A list of all of Starbucks' drinks and what's in each of them.
- R is for raleigh-landscape.com - A landscaping company we're thinking about hiring.
- S is for s3xllc.com/success.html - Another link that turned up in my search info on the late 80's recession.
- T is for talkleft.com/new_archives/007065.html - A TalkLeft article on Kansas' "Romeo And Juliet" law
- U is for umc.org/interior.asp?ptid=4&mid=3303 - A link to the United Methodist Church. Found during a search for the phrase "the other faith".
- V is for vagalume.uol.com.br/letra/p/pavement/gold-soundz.html - Lyrics to Pavement's "Gold Soundz"
- W is for wakegov.com/locations/evaperryregionallibrary.htm - Eva Perry Library, Apex, NC. This is where last weekend's 5K started.
- X is for xmfan.com/search.php?search_id=1032760688&start=15 - There's a poster here who was at the same Mudhoney show, New Year's 1991 as I was. Found this while trying to confirm the date of the show.
- Y is for yahoo.reuters.com/financeQuoteCompanyNewsArticle.jhtml?duid=mtfh91123_2005-04-19_14-21-03_n1918829_newsml - Yahoo news article about securities fraud... beats me.
- Nothing showed up for Z.
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